邀请函 | 扬帆起航!翌圣镁孚泰生物即将亮相美国BIO2024,开启全球生物技术合作新征程!-展会信息-资讯-生物在线

邀请函 | 扬帆起航!翌圣镁孚泰生物即将亮相美国BIO2024,开启全球生物技术合作新征程!

作者:翌圣生物科技(上海)股份有限公司 2024-06-04T00:00 (访问量:52708)

美国生物技术大会暨展览会(BIO International Convention)创办于1993年,是美国生物技术创新组织的年会,也是全球规模最大、专业性最强、影响力最广的生物技术盛会。2024 BIO将于2024年6月3日-6日(EDT)于美国加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥会展中心举办。翌圣镁孚泰生物CEO刘想博士,翌圣生物副总裁宋东亮博士将携公司技术团队在现场与来自全球生物行业的领军人物共同探讨生物技术领域的创新成果与行业趋势,并寻求具有广阔发展空间的商业合作机会。 






展号: 4507(中国馆)-15号展位

联系人:+86 13651753995

翌圣镁孚泰生物届时将携创新酶进化技术&服务、T7 RNA polymerase改造等最新研究成果参加本次展会,我们期待与您相聚,共襄盛举!




Molefuture Biotechnology, a subsidiary of Yeasen Biotechnology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., specializes in tailored enzyme modification solutions driven by cutting-edge enzyme evolution technologies.  These solutions cater to diverse application needs in areas such as in vitro diagnostics, biopharmaceuticals, synthetic biology, medical aesthetics, pharmaceutical intermediates, and beyond.


ZymeEditor enzyme evolution platform

The ZymeEditor platform seamlessly integrates directed evolution and rational design techniques. It autonomously incorporates cutting-edge enzyme evolution technologies, including Fluorescence-Activated Droplet Sorting (FADS), alongside traditional methods like Microtiter Plate Screening (MTPS) and forfront Computer-Aided Rational Design (CARD). Through cross-screening utilizing these technologies, ZymeEditor significantly enhances the efficacy of enzyme evolution, leading to the optimization of various enzyme properties such as activity, stability, selectivity, and more.

  UCF·METM ultra-clean purification platform

To address the growing need for large-scale production of top-quality enzymes, Molefuture, supported by its parent company Yeasen, has erected two GMP-compliant production facilities spanning nearly 10,000 square meters in Wuhan, China. Additionally, we've installed two state-of- the-art, fully automated 1500-liter fermentation systems and assembled a dedicated team of experts specializing in enzyme production and quality assurance. These resources collectively ensure the successful scale-up production of  high-caliber enzymes.  



Case Studies

1. Reducing T7 RNA polymerase dsRNA by-products


1) ELISA for dsRNA content shows that mutants M1-5 have lower dsRNA levels, with M5 reducing by 98% compared to WT and 78% compared to a competitor (Fig 3- a).

2) Dot blot analysis confirms that mutants M1-5 have reduced dsRNA content (Fig 3-b)


2. Enhancing stability and  reducing adapter-adapter ligation of T4 DNA Ligase

1) By protein engineering, the stability of T4 DNA ligase mutants increased significantly without sacrificing their activity. M6 could keep its activity 100% under 45 degree(Fig 2).  

2) The Qseq tests showed that the adapter-adapter ligation ratio of the mutants decreased from 10% of the wild type to about 3%, and even lower to 1% of M1 and M4(Fig 3).

3) After incubation at 42℃ for 1h, the DNA yields of mutants increased dramatically in Preparation of DNA Libraries(Fig 4).


翌圣生物科技(上海)股份有限公司 商家主页

地 址: 上海市浦东新区天雄路166弄一号楼三层南单元

联系人: 李自转

电 话: 400-6111-883、021-34615995-8075

传 真: 021-34615995-188

