文献题名(需要全文可以和我联系,king@biogot.com) | 作者单位 | 期刊名 | IF | 文章中使用Bioworld抗体 | |
1 | Activation of STAT6 by STING Is Critical for Antiviral Innate Immunity | 北京大学生命科学学院 | Cell | 32.4 | Calnexin BS1438 |
2 | Identification of Claudins by Western Blot and Immunofluorescence in Different Cell Lines and Tissues | 墨西哥国立理工大学 | Methods in Molecular Biology, 1, Volume 762, Claudins, Pages 213-231 | Protocol | claudins antibody |
3 | Regulation of DMD pathology by an ankyrin-encoded miRNA | 哈佛大学医学院波士顿儿童医院 | Skeletal Muscle | BioMed Central | PDGFRβ (1:1,000 dilution Western blot; Bioworld Technology Inc. St. Louis Park, MN, USA) |
4 | A cytokine mixture of GM-CSF and IL-3 that induces a neuroprotective phenotype of microglia leading to amelioration of (6-OHDA)-induced Parkinsonism of rats | 日本爱媛大学医学院 | Brain and Behavior | Open Access | TNF-α IL-1β |
5 | Acetylation Targets the M2 Isoform of Pyruvate Kinase for Degradation through Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy and Promotes Tumor Growth | 复旦大学 | Molecular Cell | 14.6 | PSA BS1302 |
6 | Prostaglandin E Signaling and Bacterial Infection Recruit Tumor-Promoting Macrophages to Mouse Gastric Tumors | 日本金沢大学癌症研究所 | Gastroenterology | 12.9 | EphB3 BS3742 |
7 | RN181 suppressed tumor growth of hepatocellular carcinoma by inhibition of the ERK/MAPK pathway | 南方医科大学 | Hepatology | 10.8 | activated caspase3 bs7004 |
8 | p28GANK Overexpression Accelerates Hepatocellular Carcinoma Invasiveness and Metastasis via Phosphoinositol 3-Kinase/AKT/Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1a Pathways | 上海东方肝胆医院王红阳院士组 | Hepatology | 10.8 | Ubiquitin BS1487 |
9 | Brain-derived neurotrophic factor contributes to abdominal pain in irritable bowel syndrome | 山东大学 | Gut | 10.6 | PGP9.5 TrK b |
10 | Cholesterol sequestration by nystatin enhances the uptake and activity of endostatin in endothelium via regulating distinct endocytic pathways. | 清华大学罗永章组 | Blood | 10.6 | BS1620 TfR1 BS1446 Lamin A/C |
11 | D-peptide inhibitors of the p53–MDM2 interaction for targeted molecular therapy of malignant neoplasms | 美国马里兰大学 | PNAS | 9.7 | p53 and MDM2 |
12 | Lithium, an anti-psychotic drug, greatly enhances the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells | 中科院上海药物所 | Cell Research | 9.4 | Bcl-2 |
13 | Endothelial cells dysfunction induced by silica nanoparticles through oxidative stress via JNK/P53 and NF-kB pathways | 上海交通大学 | Biomaterials | 7.9 | p-ERK, ERK, p-JNK, JNK, p-c-Jun, c-Jun |
14 | An epidermal stem cells niche microenvironment created by engineered human amniotic membrane | 第二军医大学长海医院 | Biomaterials | 7.9 | ColIV NGF |
15 | PDK1 Regulates Vascular Remodeling and Promotes Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Cardiac Development | 南京大学模式动物研究所 | molecular and cellular biology | 7.8 | BS1853 SNAI 1 |
16 | New insights into the antifibrotic effects of sorafenib on hepatic stellate cells and liver fibrosis | 河北医科大学 | Journal of Hepatology | 7.8 | MMP-1 and MMP-13 |
17 | p53-insensitive PUMA down-regulation is essential in the early phase of liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy in mice | 第二军医大学长海医院 | Journal of Hepatology | 7.8 | p53 |
18 | Profiling of the BRCA1 transcriptome through microarray and ChIP-chip analysis | 英国贝尔法斯特皇后大学 | Nucleic Acids Research | 7.8 | PPM1D |
19 | A novel XPF −357A>C polymorphism predicts risk and recurrence of bladder cancer (0) | 南京医科大学 | oncogene | 7.4 | XPF |
20 | Hippocampal Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase Mediates the Stress-Related Depressive Behaviors of Glucocorticoids by Downregulating Glucocorticoid Receptor(0) | 南京医科大学 | The Journal of Neuroscience | 7.2 | ERK |
21 | IRX1 influences peritoneal spreading and metastasis via inhibiting BDKRB2-dependent neovascularization on gastric cancer | 上海瑞金医院 | Oncogene | 7.1 | IRX1 |
22 | HOXB7 as a prognostic factor and mediator of colorectal cancer progression | 南方医科大学 | Clinical Cancer Research | 6.7 | p-ERK, ERK, p-AKT, AKT, p-GSK3β, GSK3β, Cyclin D1 and P27 antibodies (Bioworld Technology, MN). |
23 | Endostatin inhibits tumour lymphangiogenesis and lymphatic metastasis via cell surface nucleolin on lymphangiogenic endothelial cells | 清华大学 | The Journal of Pathology | 6.5 | BS1574 PECAM-1 |
24 | Reduced expression of MUTYH with suppressive activity against mutations caused by 8-hydroxyguanine is a novel predictor of a poor prognosis in human gastric cancer | 日本滨松大学医学院 | The Journal of Pathology | 6.5 | BS2535 MYH |
25 | Construction of a Portal Implantable Functional Tissue-Engineered Liver Using Perfusion-Decellularized Matrix and Hepatocytes in Rats | 四川大学华西医院 | Cell Transplantation | 6.2 | PECAM-1 BS1574 |
26 | UXT-V1 protects cells against TNF-induced apoptosis through modulating complex II formation | 中科院上海生命科学研究所 | Mol Biol Cell | 6.0 | BS1387 Caspase-8、BS1478 TNFR1 |
27 | Sclerostin Mediates Bone Response to Mechanical Unloading Through Antagonizing Wnt/b-Catenin Signaling | 上海交通大学 | journal of bone and mineral research | 6.0 | BS5056 p-beta-catenin (S33 S37 T41) |
28 | ROS-activated p38 MAPK/ERK-Akt cascade plays a central role in palmitic acid-stimulated hepatocyte proliferation. | 第四军医大学 | Free Radical Biology and Medicine | 6.0 | P-PKC, PKC, GRP78, P-mTOR, P-JNK, JNK, and p38 MAPK antibodies |
29 | PGD2 and PGE2 regulate gene expression of Prx 6 in primary macrophages via Nrf2 | 德国Greifswald大学 | Free Radical Biology & Medicine | 6.0 | Nrf2 |
30 | TRAIL and doxorubicin combination enhances anti-glioblastoma effect based on passive tumor targeting of liposomes | 复旦大学药学院 | Journal of Controlled Release | 6.0 | caspase-3, caspase-8, caspase-9, and p53 |
31 | Expression of PDGFR-β in colorectal cancer stroma and the relationship to lymphangiogenesis | 济南中心医院 | Human Health and Biomedical Engineering | PDGFR-β | |
32 | The toxicity evaluation of nano-trititanate with bactericidal properties in vitro | 中科院苏州纳米所 | Nanotoxicology | 5.7 | p53, phospho-p53 (Ser20), CDC25A, phospho-CDC25A, and β-actin |
33 | MicroRNA-622 functions as a tumor suppressor by targeting K-Ras and enhancing the anticarcinogenic effect of resveratrol | 广州医科大学 | carcinogenesis | 5.4 | E2F1 |
34 | Trio Is a Key Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor Coordinating Regulation of theMigration andMorphogenesis of Granule Cells in the Developing Cerebellum | 南京大学模式动物研究所 | The Journal of Biological Chemistry | 5.3 | Tau |
35 | Heme Oxygenase-1/Carbon Monoxide Induces Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Expression via p38 Kinase-dependent Activation of Sp1 | 台湾医学科学院 | The Journal of Biological Chemistry | 5.3 | phospho-Sp1-T739 antibody (BS4755) |
36 | The protease allergen Pen c 13 induce allergic airway inflammation and changes in epithelial barrier integrity and function in a murine model |
台湾大学 | The Journal of Biological Chemistry | 5.3 | Grp94 (1:250), Grp78 (1:1000), moesin (1:500), cofilin (1:500) |
37 | Protein Kinase C Promotes NMDA Receptor Trafficking by Indirectly Triggering CaMKII Autophosphorylation | 南京医科大学 | The Journal of Biological Chemistry | 5.3 | tubulin、发光液 |
38 | Distinct kinetic and spatial patterns of PKC- and EGFR-dependent activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 by humane nicotinic acid receptor GPR109A | 浙江大学生命科学学院 | The Journal of Biological Chemistry | 5.3 | GPR109A/B |
39 | AKT2 suppresses GAPDH mediated-apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells via phosphorylating GAPDH at threonine 237 and decreasing its nuclear translocation | 福州总医院 | The Journal of Biological Chemistry | 5.3 | Histone H2B,p-Akt2 |
40 | MicroRNA-99a Inhibits Hepatocellular Carcinoma Growth and Correlates with Prognosis of Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma | 浙江大学 | The Journal of Biological Chemistry | 5.3 | IGF-1R p70S6K FGFR3 |
41 | Aurora B Interaction of Centrosomal Nlp Regulates Cytokinesis (0) | 协和肿瘤研究所 | The Journal of Biological Chemistry | 5.3 | phospho-histone H3.1 |
42 | Exogenous melatonin modulates apoptosis in the mouse brain induced by high-LET carbon ion irradiation(0) | 中科院近代物理所 | Journal of Pineal Research | 5.2 | caspase-3 |
43 | Cellular Pharmacokinetic Mechanisms of Adriamycin Resistance and Its Modulation by 20(S)-Ginsenoside Rh2 in MCF-7/Adr Cells(0) | 中国药科大学 | British Journal of Pharmacology | 5.2 | TRITC-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG |
44 | Slow skeletal muscle myosin binding protein-C (MyBPC1) mediates recruitment of muscle type creatine kinase (CK) to myosin. | 清华大学 | Biochemical Journal Immediate Publication | 5.1 | MM-CK BS1915 |
45 | Metallothioneins Protect Cytosolic Creatine kinases Against Stress Induced by Nitrogen-Based Oxidants | 清华大学 | Biochemical Journal Immediate Publication | 5.1 | MM-CK BS1915 |
46 | Silencing of hHS6ST2 inhibits progression of pancreatic cancer through inhibition of Notch signaling | 中国药科大学 | Biochemical Journal Immediate Publication | 5.1 | CD31 |
47 | Omega-3 docosahexaenoic acid and procyanidins inhibit cyclooxygenase activity and attenuate NF-κB activation through a p105/p50 regulatory mechanism in macrophage inflammation | 西班牙Rovira i Virgili University | Biochemical Journal Immediate Publication | 5.1 | COX-2 |
48 | ERK-MAPK Signaling Opposes Rho-Kinase to Reduce Cardiomyocyte Apoptosis in Heart Ischemic Preconditioning | 山东大学 | Molecular Medicine | 5.0 | MYPT-1 p-MYPT-1 RhoA |
49 | Defects in cytokine-mediated neuroprotective glial responses to excitotoxic hippocampal injury in senescence-accelerated mouse | 日本爱知大学 | Brain, Behavior, and Immunity | 5.0 | IFNgamma Ra BS1667 |
50 | Targeted mutation of Fas ligand gene attenuates brain inflammation in experimental stroke | 南京大学鼓楼医院 | Brain, Behavior, and Immunity | 5.0 | FasL,anti mouse and anti rabbit二抗 |
51 | Second-generation aptamer-conjugated PSMA-targeted delivery system for prostate cancer therapy | 第二军医大学长海医院 | International Journal of Nanomedicine | 5.0 | Bcl-2,Cyclin D1 |
52 | Small interfering RNA targeting integrin-linked kinase inhibited the growth and induced apoptosis in human bladder cancer cells | 重庆医科大学 | The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology | 4.9 | Bcl-2, Bax, Akt, p-Akt, GSK3(a /b ), p-GSK3 and b-catenin |
53 | H1, a derivative of Tetrandrine, exerts anti-MDR activity by initiating intrinsic apoptosis pathway and inhibiting the activation of Erk1/2 and Akt1/2 | 中国医学科学院药物研究所 | Biochemical Pharmacology | 4.9 | capase-8 写成了中国 |
54 | Inhibition of activated Stat3 reverses drug resistance to chemotherapeutic agents in gastric cancer cells | 南京大学鼓楼医院 | Cancer Letters | 4.9 | Bcl-2 (P65), Bax (C62),p53 (E3) |
55 | Exosomes derived from human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells promote tumor growth in vivo | 江苏大学 | Cancer Letters | 4.9 | BCA protein assay kit, CD9 |
56 | LCH-7749944, a novel and potent p21-activated kinase 4 inhibitor, suppresses proliferation and invasion in human gastric cancer cells | 中国医科大学 | Cancer Letters | 4.9 | EGFR, MMP2 |
57 | Interactome study suggests multiple cellular functions of hepatoma-derived growth factor (HDGF) | 复旦大学生科院 | Journal of Proteomics | 4.8 | Histone H2B DNA-PK |
58 | Mitochondrial Prohibitins and Septin 9 Are Implicated in the Onset of Rat Hepatocarcinogenesis | 日本大阪大学医学部 | Toxicological Sciences | 4.8 | BS1992 HNF-4αγ |
59 | miR-106a–mediated Malignant Transformation of Cells Induced by Anti-benzo [a] pyrene-trans-7, 8-diol-9, 10-epoxide. | 广州医科大学 | Toxicological Sciences | 4.8 | RB GAPDH |
60 | Increase of Anteroventral Periventricular Kisspeptin Neurons and Generation of E2-Induced LH-Surge System in Male Rats Exposed Perinatally to Environmental Dose of Bisphenol-A. | 南京医科大学 | Endocrinology | 4.8 | Biotin goat anti mouse |
61 | Common genetic variants on 8q24 contribute to susceptibility to bladder cancer in a Chinese population | 南京医科大学 | Carcinogenesis | 4.8 | MYC |
62 | 5-Azacytidine Induces Cardiac Differentiation of Human Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Activating Extracellular Regulated Kinase (0) | 江苏大学 | stem cells and development | 4.8 | Desmin , Cardiac |
63 | Adenoviral-mediated RNA interference targeting URG11 inhibits growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma | 第四军医大学 | International Journal of Cancer | 4.7 | pRb BS4164 |
64 | miR-181b modulates multidrug resistance by targeting BCL2 in human cancer cell lines | 南京医科大学 | International Journal of Cancer | 4.7 | BCL2, b-actin and a-Tubulin |
65 | Lymphatic endothelial cell-secreted CXCL1 stimulates lymphangiogenesis and metastasis of gastric cancer | 中山大学 | International Journal of Cancer | 4.7 | Rho A |
66 | A novel BH3 mimetic S1 potently induces Bax/Bak-dependent apoptosis by targeting both Bcl-2 and Mcl-1(0) | 大连理工大学 | International Journal of Cancer | 4.7 | Mcl-1 BS1220 |
67 | Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-mediated human GATA1 induction promotes erythroid differentiation under hypoxic conditions | 协和基础所 | Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine | 4.6 | p300 |
68 | p53 suppresses lung resistance-related protein expression through Y-box binding protein 1 in the MCF-7 breast tumor cell line | 军科院放射所 | Journal of Cellular Physiolo | 4.6 | anti-HDAC2 |
69 | MEK1–ERKs signal cascade is required for the replication of Enterovirus 71 (EV71) | 北京大学医学部 | Antiviral Research | 4.4 | ,MEK1 and MEK2 |
70 | Local hyperthermia could induce antiviral activity by endogenous interferon-dependent pathway in condyloma acuminata | 中国医科大学 | Antiviral Research | 4.4 | PKR、Stat1、 Stat2 |
71 | Houttuynia cordata blocks HSV infection through inhibition of NF-kB activation | 南京大学 | Antiviral Research | 4.4 | GAPDH MB001 |
72 | MiR-223 Suppresses Cell Proliferation by Targeting IGF-1R | 复旦大学药学院 | PLoS ONE | 4.4 | IGF-1R, HIF-1a, p70S6K, p- p70S6K, Akt,p-Akt |
73 | LRP16 Integrates into NF-kB Transcriptional Complex and Is Required for Its Functional Activation | 解放军总医院 | PLoS ONE | 4.4 | CARM1,P300/CBP |
74 | 17b-Estradiol Enhances the Response of Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell to CpG | 南京大学 | PLoS ONE | 4.4 | BS1754 IFN-αβRα |
75 | Anticancer Activity of 2α, 3α, 19β, 23β-Tetrahydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic Acid (THA), a Novel Triterpenoid Isolated from Sinojackia sarcocarpa | 温州医学院 | PLoS ONE | 4.4 | c-Myc (K422) |
76 | SHP-2 Promotes the Maturation of Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells Through Akt and ERK1/2 Signaling In Vitro | 第二军医大学 | PLoS ONE | 4.4 | BS1322 SHP-2 |
77 | Generation of Germline-Competent Rat Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells | 日本东京大学医学院 | PLoS ONE | 4.4 | Oct3/4 |
78 | Hydrogen Sulfide Protects against Chemical Hypoxia-Induced Cytotoxicity and Inflammation in HaCaT Cells through Inhibition of ROS/NF-kB/COX-2 Pathway | 中山大学 | PLoS ONE | 4.4 | COX-1, COX-2, p65 |
79 | Hydrogen Sulfide Protects against Chemical Hypoxia-Induced Injury by Inhibiting ROS-Activated ERK1/2 and p38MAPK Signaling Pathways in PC12 Cells | 中山大学 | PLoS ONE | 4.4 | HIF1a,p-ERK ,ERK1/2 JNK,p-JNK |
80 | Probiotic-Derived Polyphosphate Enhances the Epithelial Barrier Function and Maintains Intestinal Homeostasis through Integrin–p38 MAPK Pathway | 日本旭川医科大学 | PLoS ONE | 4.4 | integrin b1 |
81 | STAT3 Knockdown Reduces Pancreatic Cancer Cell Invasiveness and Matrix Metalloproteinase-7 Expression in Nude Mice | 上海交通大学第一医院 | PLoS ONE | 4.4 | collagen IV or PECAM-1 |
82 | Administration of embryonic stem cells generates eVective antitumor immunity in mice with minor and heavy tumor load | 山东省人民医院 | cancer immunology immunotherapy | 4.3 | CD4 |
83 | Inhibition of Aβ25–35-induced cell apoptosis by Low-power-laser-irradiation (LPLI) through promoting Akt-dependent YAP cytoplasmic translocation | 华南师范大学 | Cellular Signalling | 4.2 | YAP |
84 | NPA Motifs Play a Key Role in Plasma Membrane Targeting of Aquaporin-4 | 东北师范大学 | iubmb life | 4.2 | GRP94 |
85 | Mechanisms involved in extraterritorial facial pain following cervical spinal nerve injury in rats | 日本大学牙医部 | Molecular Pain | 4.1 | BS5090 p-NMDAR1 (S896) |
86 | XJP-1, a novel ACEI, with anti-inflammatory properties in HUVECs | 中国药科大学 | Atherosclerosis | 4.1 | eNOS, iNOS, IκBα, p-IκBα, p-ERK1/2, p-JNK, p-p38, ERK1/2, JNK, p38 |
87 | proteolytic release of the receptor for advanced glycation end products from in vitro and in situ alveolar epithelial cells. | 日本东京医科齿科大学 | Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology | 4.0 | MMP-13 BS1238 |
88 | Monoclonal antibody to six transmembrane epithelial antigen of prostate-4 influences insulin sensitivity by attenuating phosphorylation of P13K (P85) and Akt: Possible mitochondrial mechanism | 南京医科大学 | Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes | 4.0 | ERK, p-ERK, p38,p-p38,JNK,p-JNK, p-AKT, AKT |
89 | YAP accelerates Aβ25–35-induced apoptosis through upregulation of Bax expression by interaction with p73 | 华南师范大学 | Apoptosis | 4.0 | YAP |
90 | JWA enhances As2O3-induced tubulin polymerization and apoptosis via p38 in HeLa and MCF-7 cells | 南京医科大学 | Apoptosis | 4.0 | JNK,p-JNK |
91 | 2,5-Hexanedione induces human ovarian granulosa cell apoptosis through BCL-2, BAX, and CASPASE-3 signaling pathways | 福建医科大学 | archives of toxicology | 4.0 | Bcl-2, Bax |
92 | The differential regulation of Gap43 gene in the neuronal differentiation of P19 cells (0) | 协和基础所 | journal of cellular physiology | 4.0 | GAP43 (BS3655) 。。。 |
93 | Intracavernous transplantation of bone marrow-derived mese
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